On the occasion of the board meeting of the Syndicat Mixte of the Red Train, Gilles DEULOFEU and Mrs Marie-France POLETTI invited Mr Olivier MAUREL from the company MCLedger and Mr Gérard CAMBILLAUin charge of partnerships for the Institut Mines Télécom, the leaders of the “Green Courier” ("Affréter Vert") project to discuss a comodality solution for light freight transport.
They were accompanied by Eric Gilbert Vice President and François Trouquet, Project Manager of the Occitanie TENLOG Logistics Cluster. TENLOGAlso present were Mr Anthony CAMARASA from the CCI des PO and Mr Alexandre Eckart, Head of the Logistics sector at the Prefecture of PO.
The “Green Courier” ("Affréter Vert") project,from the MCLedger, aims to develop a comodality project,i.e. light freight transport in passenger trains,in rural areas in the Fenouillèdes valley.
This innovative solution is an efficient means of decarbonizing light freight with low investment, while promoting while promoting the economic development of the Agly valley.
After being selected and "propelled" by the Transport Innovation Agency, this experiment also benefits from the support of ADEME.
The objective is to implement a comodal freight transport solution for light cargo (>15 kg) by optimizing empty spaces on board passenger carriages of the red train on the Axat – Rivesaltes line with the SYNDICAT MIXTE DU TRAIN ROUGE – TRAIN TOURISTIQUE DU PAYS CATHARE ET DU FENOUILLEDES and the SARL TPCF (Train du Pays Cathare et du Fenouillèdes) for the 2025 season.
The experiment aims to bring together around SARL TPCF and the Joint Syndicate, all local transport and logistics players: shippers, carriers, institutions (DDTM, CCI, etc.) as well as the local authorities concerned.
MCLedger, which has expertise in organizing logistics services, will provide the digital platform that allows the reservation, real-time tracking and securing of shipments on passenger trains.
The reaction of the members of the mixed syndicate of the red train having been positive, the next step is to refine the study of flows and markets as well as to bring together the operational actors in order to be able to start this experiment as soon as the Red Train begins operating in 2025.
Let's work together...